Data Management, Analytics & AI



We offers a short evaluation to assist customers with taking full advantage of their information the board ventures including a survey of the customer's present information design, frameworks and information streams. We become familiar with the central questions they face and the business effects of their information issues. From these investigations, we can layout high-esteem activities to convey information the executives administrations.

Data Architecture Consulting

Shul offers information design counseling to assist customers with making a powerful information engineering or improve their current one. In this contribution, we start by looking into the current information design and information streams, if accessible, assess the lacks and holes.

Azure Data Factory

Shul Technologies has helped a large number of our customers deal with their information with Azure Data Factory (ADF) a cloud-based information joining administration that permits you to make information driven work processes in the cloud for coordinating and robotizing information development and information change.



Shul Technologies works with you to gather, investigate and coordinate your dissimilar information sources and storehouses of data to plan an information obtaining engineering that is viable, adaptable and strong. We give start to finish Data Analytics, from exemplary Business Intelligence arrangements through investigation applications that dwell with your information.

Shul Technologies has long periods of information joining and examination experience, just as a profound comprehension of industry elements and utilitarian prescribed procedures. We'll help you move operational information, clean it, advance it, and model it for quick, consistent and shrewd investigation.

Organizations are deluged by huge volumes of information and are simply starting to comprehend the devices to access and utilize the information at scale.



As the interest for mechanization builds, the need to utilize computerized AI models has gotten progressively significant. We accept the path forward lies in democratizing computerized reasoning and AI as a substitute. This implies making AI administrations accessible to solitary information researchers and engineers, little to medium estimated organizations, and worldwide associations all with the capacity to scale their models up and out.

Azure Service

Shul Technologies can help you by utilizing existing Microsoft administrations like Azure VMs for distributed computing, Azure Data Lake Store for putting away high size information loads, Azure Databricks investigation administration, Power BI for convincing perception dashboards, and Azure Data Factory for pipeline arrangement to construct a hearty adaptable AI answer for your business.

Other Services

Shul Technologies is likewise profoundly experienced with open source advances that incorporate MongoDB, Cassandra, Kafka for hefty information stockpiling, Spark for enormous information preparing, Machine Learning structures (PyTorch, Keras, Tensorflow, spaCy, and so on), D3.js for perception, and Apache Airflow for work process the board to construct an incredible adjustable AI answer for your business.




Force BI is a set-up of business investigation apparatuses used to break down information and offer bits of knowledge. Force BI dashboards give a 360-degree view to business clients with their most significant measurements in a single spot, refreshed continuously, and accessible on the entirety of their gadgets. With a single tick, clients can investigate the information behind their dashboard utilizing instinctive devices that make discovering answers simple.

Force BI can bring together the entirety of your association's information, regardless of whether in the cloud or on-premises. Furthermore, utilizing the Power BI entryways, you can safely interface on-premise SQL Server data sets and numerous other information sources to your equivalent dashboards.


Looker is an online business knowledge stage. It places significant information in the possession of individuals who need it most, through an interesting information depiction language called LookML. Investigators can utilize it to make and clergyman custom information encounters so anybody can utilize the information they discover to be the most pertinent to them.



Allow Shul Technologies to help coordinate your vital applications with Dell Boomi iPaaS, the #1 Integration Cloud. You might be keen on Boomi in the event that you need:

  • To support web, mobile, phone, social, and email channels
  • More efficient and cost-effective ways to build integrations, share and cleanse data
  • Easier access to data for analysis, reporting and alerts
  • A less cumbersome and far less expensive EDI process
  • To tie your integrations into a data repository to improve analytics across channels

The Boomi AtomSphere reconciliation stage as a help (iPaaS) upholds all your application mix measures between cloud stages, programming as-a-administration applications, and on-premises frameworks, Dell Boomi can deal with the more straightforward combinations with practically zero coding, yet in addition has the far reaching, powerful capacities to incorporate frameworks with the intricacy and size of any mix programming arrangements available.


As the utilization of APIs has gotten progressively famous – both for getting to information, just as making information accessible to clients and accomplices – the need to oversee their use turns out to be progressively significant. Shul Technologies assists customers with accomplishing compelling API Management utilizing driving devices from sellers like Dell Boomi — adaptable stages to deal with all your APIs through their whole lifecycle. We give an incorporated online climate to control the creation, organization and the executives of APIs that will be utilized across an assortment of business capacities.

API Gateway

Influence a brought together, predictable technique for validation and openness of your endeavor administrations.

Data Sharing

Broaden the range of big business data and administrations to outer business constituents, like merchants, accomplices and clients.

Internet of things

Give a safe and versatile approach to convey ongoing data from associated gadgets.

Mobile Enablement

Backing versatile administrations through reconciliation of different back-end information sources.

Application Modernization

Open heritage frameworks information for simple utilization by new applications.

We Make Connections

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Here at Shul Technologies, our kin are an impression of us. On the off chance that you have the energy to succeed, we have the chances to guarantee you flourish.