Cloud & Mobile Development


Microsoft Azure is a developing assortment of coordinated cloud benefits that engineers and IT experts use to fabricate, convey, and oversee applications through our worldwide organization of datacenters. With Azure, you get the opportunity to assemble and send any place you need, utilizing the instruments, applications, and structures of your decision. Allow Shul to assist you with coordinating and move the Microsoft devices you depend on with Azure Cloud.



Blockchain is a straightforward and irrefutable framework that organizations are utilizing as a typical information layer to empower another class of utilizations. Presently, business cycles and information can be shared across numerous associations, wiping out squander, lessening the danger of extortion, and making new income streams.

Simplifies Development

Cut advancement time and investigation effectively with secluded, preconfigured organizations and foundation.

Gets you up and running quickly

Repeat and approve blockchain situations rapidly by utilizing worked in associations with Azure and devices you're as of now acquainted with.

Allows you to innovate with confidence

Keep your information secure and scale when you need to—on an open, trusted, around the world accessible cloud stage.


With Microsoft Azure IoT capacities, Shul can help you gather continuous telemetry information from far off sensors, acquire noteworthy experiences for improved dynamic, and drive operational effectiveness.

Azure IoT Hub

Interface, screen, and oversee billions of gadgets to create IoT applications.

Azure IoT Central

Assists you with encountering the straightforwardness of SaaS for IoT.

Azure IoT Edge

Stretches out cloud Intelligence and examination to edge gadgets. Conveys Cloud insight locally by sending and running man-made reasoning, Azure administrations, and custom rationale straightforwardly on cross-stage IoT gadgets


Shul will modernize applications that are critical to your business.

Inheritance applications can be a cerebral pain for associations going through a computerized change. Programming created on obsolete stages utilizing more established programming devices can be unbendable and hard to change.

There is no single or one-size-fits-all system to move the inheritance applications to the cloud. The correct relocation procedure relies upon your association's objectives, how your applications will adjust to them, and what esteem the applications bring to your business.

Cloud Infrastructure-based Applications

Move or rehost existing on-premises applications to the Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) stage. The applications will have practically a similar sythesis as in the past, yet they would now be able to have the option to convey to VMs in the cloud. This type of movement is ordinarily known as "Lift and Shift."

Cloud Optimized Applications

Help associations acquire extra advantages even without changing or the fundamentally rearchitecting code. You can run your application with current cloud advances like holders or through other cloud-oversaw administrations. You can likewise convey the compartments on PaaS or IaaS to data sets, checking, reserve as an assistance, and CI/CD (consistent combination/persistent organization) pipelines.

Cloud Native Applications are the ultimate cloud goal

Cloud-Native Apps are reason worked for the cloud model. These applications assembled and sent in a fast rhythm by little, committed component groups to a stage that offers simple scale-out and equipment decoupling give associations more noteworthy dexterity, versatility, and movability across cloud conditions.


A competitive advantage

Cloud-local methods exchanging cloud objectives from IT cost investment funds to the driving force of business development. Organizations that can rapidly construct and convey applications because of client needs will fabricate suffering achievement.


At the point when inheritance foundation fizzles, administrations can endure. In a cloud-local world, groups center explicitly around architecting for versatility.


With a stage that upholds a cloud-local methodology, endeavors fabricate applications that sudden spike in demand for any (public or private) cloud without alteration. Groups hold the capacity to run applications and administrations where it bodes well.

Aligns operations with the overall business

Via computerizing IT activities, ventures can change into a lean, centered group lined up with driving business needs. They kill the danger of disappointment because of human mistake as staff center around computerized enhancements to supplant standard, commonplace administrator undertakings.

The Bottom Line

Modernized applications are fluid, in that they are miniature designed, cloud-first, and gathered quickly utilizing Platform-as-a-Service, which can empower up to half quicker an ideal opportunity to advertise.

Don’t hesitate, contact us for better help and services. Contact Us


Trustworty Expertise

Through various customer projects, Shul has gained notoriety for giving top notch iOS and Android application advancement administrations. We assemble both local and crossover applications for customers, going from new companies to Fortune 100 undertakings. Customers depend in senior advancement groups to construct what much of the time is their whole portable item without any preparation. Different associations have backend assets, yet work with Shul to benefit from our Mobility Practice to improve their chance to showcase.

We leverage our years of mobile development experience to optimize:
  • Performance
  • Memory management
  • Backend integrations
  • Workflow
  • Advertisement integration
  • Backend analytics to ensure our clients have insight into how their mobile application is being used

A significant number of our customers benefit from a mixture way to deal with portable web improvement administrations. Ionic and Xamarin are the main advances for crossover portable turn of events, however whenever mentioned we can utilize other half breed advances, like PhoneGap.

iOS and Android

Quick, Java, installment passages, area administrations, sound/video real time, Multi-factor validation, examination, advertisement joining, iBeacon and BLE gadgets, API coordination

Hybrid / Xamarin

Ionic, Xamarin, PhoneGap, Angular 2, React, automated testing

Building Quality Solutions

Regardless of whether it is Java, .Net, or present day structures like NodeJS and Angular, Shul Technologies has the experience and ability to construct quality answers for your association. We serve customers from various businesses, from Hi-Tech to Health Care, and Manufacturing to Horse Racing.

All commitment with Shul Technologies are upheld by Project Managers utilizing strong cooperation and issue following devices. We draw in QA measures from the beginning of tasks to guarantee productive and powerful test-driven turn of events. Business Analysts support legitimate practical prerequisites definition.


We are API Experts

In addition to the fact that we write API's so that back end frameworks can serve web and versatile substance for front end interfaces, yet we associate our applications with different outsider frameworks like multifaceted confirmation, Google Analytics, Stripe installment frameworks, and AdMob.

Frontend Development

JavaScript, Angular 1.3 and 2, React, Swift, Responsive Design

Backend Development

Java, .net/C#, C++, NodeJS, PHP, Ruby, SQLServer, MySQL, MongoDB, Cassandra

Rapid Prototyping / MVP

Invision, Balsmiq, Omnigraffle, Sketch, Adobe Experience Design

QA Test

List of QA/Test tools we use


WorldServer, XTRF, translation portals, translation systems


A well-designed user interface provides a direct path from your clients to your products or services.

At Shul Technologies, we design experiences that incorporate well researched elements that will resonate with your users. We take into account best practices of visual design, usability, information architecture and interaction design to create excellent user interfaces. We collaborate with clients on the design, development, and deployment of software experiences that make sense, simplify life and spark innovation.

Our projects start with strategic experience design (UX) and continue through visual interface design (UI) and front-end development.

We Research

Our exploration rejuvenates your clients' conduct and inclinations. We notice people where they hang out. What is your client going to do when he experiences your site or item? Shul exploration on influence and human association, joined with sound judgment and client approval, assists us with creating client encounters that vibe common and natural.

We put insights into action

We create ideas for development dependent on framework necessities and what we comprehend about your crowd. We make a grounded vision for the item utilizing plan standards to manage it through the plan and construct measure.

We create information Architecture

In view of the objectives set toward the start of the UX interaction, our cross-practical group of planners and engineers cooperate to iteratively configuration, fabricate, test, and approve highlights that scale and develop to address the upcoming difficulties. We lead client testing meetings and perform point by point investigation to change information into noteworthy plan upgrades.

We launch and observe

We ceaselessly assess through examination to refine your answer and help distinguish arising openings.


Testing and Quality Assurance is a critical component of business application development

The Shul Technologies QA team is an integral part of the development organization and is engaged along with the development team. Whether the Client engages Shul Development as part of the project, or if it they engage solely with the QA Services, the team structure reports directly through to our VP of Global Delivery. We measure and monitor defect counts, and defect ratio on a regular basis and automate the reporting using PowerBI.

Shul emphasizes test-driven development. Our Engineering team is required to develop based on specific test scripts and to unit test all code prior to deploying to UAT. We work with clients to determine the appropriate QA strategy to use manual, automated, or a combination of the two. Whether the test automation is tightly-coupled with a DevOps release cycle depends on the effort needed and the maturity of the product or software technology we deliver.



  • QA services in India with development from the Client
  • QA services in India with South American Development
  • QA services along with Development
  • To work as an integral part of the Shul development team
  • Build around the clock testing with the South America development Team
  • The Client has a production development team, but wishes to engage in an offshore QA model
  • As part of a broader Project development team from Shul Technologies
  • Can handle quick cycles of turn around in an Agile fashion
  • Works well with mature products and retainer QA engineers
Code Coverageand Test Libraries

Junit, Test Rails, CUnit, PHPUnit SonarQube, etc

Issue Tracking, Workflow, & Metrics

Jira, Pivotal Tracker, Azure DevOps, SharePoint, PowerBI

Automated Testing

Selenium, Appium, Xamarin, Test Cloud


Improve your chance to showcase and diminish your complete expense of advancement by working with Menlo Technologies for your DevOps needs. We've assisted customers with code modernization and refactoring by building measures for microservices, fabricate computerization, robotized testing, and mechanized delivery

Use the force and flexibility of the cloud in AWS or Azure to patch up your applications to exploit:

  • Serverless computing
  • Spot marketing pricing
  • Peak demand provisioning

DevOps engineers are specialists in most all DevOps devices, with an attention on mechanization, security, quality testing, viability, improved dependability and ideal consistency – regardless of whether you are delivering code once per day or once per month.



Need a whole advancement group, perhaps an extra improvement unit or simply a little supplemental advancement group for unique ventures that are outside of your center business? Provided that this is true, think about a devoted group from Shul Technologies.

You can increase in a rush by utilizing the approaches, coordinated effort frameworks, and group cooperative energies from set up improvement habitats. With our offices effectively set up, Shul Technologies can give you a skilled devoted specialized group — normally at not exactly 50% of the expense of you doing it without anyone else's help.

Experienced Technology Experts You Can Trust

Shul is involved senior architects with profound specialized mastery and long stretches of back-end frameworks improvement and application reconciliation administrations experience. We complete imaginative applications on schedule and on financial plan. Limit enrollment time and get directly to the work that is really significant creating and dispatching your product. Shul group of designers have skill in elusive specialties. Our Global Delivery Methodology gives a system to executing complex tasks that will surpass your assumptions in amount, time and cost.

We Make Connections

Get In touch with us

Here at Shul Technologies, our kin are an impression of us. On the off chance that you have the energy to succeed, we have the chances to guarantee you flourish.