About Us

About us

Shul Technologies is a worldwide PC innovation administrations organization gaining practical experience in cloud mix, information investigation, and versatile innovation. We've fabricated key associations with top-level pioneers in the tech business. Our worldwide conveyance model for IT arrangements gives a structure to surpassing client assumptions on the whole measurements excellence, time and cost.

We are group of youthful, vivacious and dynamic individuals, focused on giving top quality of IT administrations. With a group of such Shul Technologies part we generally attempt to convey superior grade of venture, surpassing customer's assumption.

Today we remain as an exceptional one stop IT Solution Company having solid roots and vision, offering its support across the globe. We assist you with making an extremely additional standard personality and solid substitute the worldwide market.

How we work

We begins each task with an opening shot gathering with all partners to outline engineering, course of events, jobs and decide correspondence recurrence.

We examine jobs, basic way things, acceleration ways, and an overall strategy to begin the undertaking progressing nicely.

QA works related to the Business to make an interpretation of practical determinations into unmistakable client stories and experiments. Thusly, the advancement group would unit be able to test against these accounts preceding the form arriving at QA. Our working proverb is to get deserts as ahead of schedule as could really be expected.

QA starts early and stays steady all through. We focused on finding and settling deserts immediately, keeping projects on schedule and inside spending plan.

Task improvements and deformities are followed by month, by project, and by engineer, estimating quality in all cases and expanding responsibility of everybody on the undertaking. We use speed and burndown graphs just as real to design measurements for financial plan and rate total.

Estimations incorporate deformity tallies per project and per period. For more steady items, we work with our customers to initiate robotized testing for smoke tests as well as and nitty gritty practical testing. Menlo additionally gauges project expenses to ensure they stay on financial plan.

Shul is focused on observing the strength of each undertaking. We update our frameworks consistently for Project Status, giving constant feeds into our dashboards. We can recognize a yellow or red undertaking promptly and work straightforwardly with the group to relieve any venture issues.